George’s Boulder
This boulder is by itself and has one really excellent V8 called Phone Sex. The problem traverses from left to right on the back of the boulder from a sit start, finishing on some good holds (the original finish jug fell off). There are a few other good problems on the boulder too – but be careful as getting off the boulder is difficult without friends! Drive down the road about 2.5km from turn-off and turn right onto a dirt road which curves right, park straight away and walk about 100 meters away from the road, trending slightly right.
1. a) V4, finish with higher traverse to jug. sit start
b) V5, finish with lower traverse to jug. sit start
2. V4, up the big flake.
3. V4, up and onto slab.
4. Phone Sex, V8, sit start to finish on high jug.
5. Leg Spinner, dyno V6, sit start dyno off jug to a good blind edge then up.
6. Shape Shifters, V10, sit start up to small crimp and power into broken corner.
7. Phone Extension, V9, Phone Sex into Leg Spinner dyno.
8. Full Traverse, V9
Snake Rock bouldering
Drive about 3.5km down the road from the Tidbinbilla turn-off and make a sharp left onto a dirt road just before a telegraph pole where the power lines cross the road. Continue down dirt road and park near the edge of the native bush near some small rocks. Walk down the road to your right for about 200m to a cairn, turn left into bush and follow track down to the creek. Cross the creek and walk up, tending left, until you see boulders. The track continues up for Snake Rock crag. There are about 20 problems here.
Cantaloupe Hill
This area was found and developed by Chris Warner in the winter of 2003 and is the main bouldering area that’s along Corin Dam Road. There’s roughly 80 problems so far that spread up the hill and development continues. Drive along Corin Dam Road until you pass Woods Reserve on the left and take the next right hand turn onto a dirt road. Park on the first right hand bend. Walk straight up into the bush, keeping to the right of a gully. After about 150m, the path crosses over the gully; from there head up the hill passing some boulders on your left (first stop-off), continue up. To get to the little area called”‘The Hand” branch off to the right a short distance. Otherwise continue up diagonally left and onto the next ridge and into the next shallow gully. The first boulder you should come across is “Glitz Rock”. You’ve done very well if you manage to find the good bouldering first go, as the scrub has been getting thicker by the day since the fires. Cantaloupe still has a lot to develop so there isn’t a complete topo yet. See info at the bottom of this page for recent info and new problems.
The Hand
This little area has a few good warm-ups to do as you walk up to the main areas. There are still one or two problems to be added here, including through the cave on the left of the hand, a left-side variant of the tickler…
2. Pinky cling, V4, ss
3. V0
4. Thumb Mantle, V1, ss
5. Middle Finger, V0
6. Tickler,V3, ss
7. V2
Main area
This area is the best developed of the areas on the hill. There are still some new lines to do, and some lines have been added since this guide was produced – see below for a more detailed listing of problems on Glitz Rock, including Cerebro – the test piece of the area at V11. Those interested in highball problems should report directly to the Heart Block, but be careful – the landings are poor!
![W.H. Stites on 'The Joker', V6 ***](/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/will-bouldering.jpg)
W.H. Stites on ‘The Joker’, V6 ***
1. The Joker, V6, ss
2. Vendetta, V7, ss
3. Tally-Ho, V2, ss
4. Without Words, V3
5. V0
6. V0
7. V3, ss-up through to under cling.
8. Ruffian, V3, ss-diagonally left up seam.
9. Spruce Moose, the overhanging arete (ss V9, stand start V5)
10. Lanky Yanky, V8. up and left crimping under roof then up and over.
11. Throw Back, V4, long throw to crimp.
12. V3. slab
13. V1
14. Szady Slap, V4, traverse
15. Back in Black, V4. ss-traverse then up slab on crimps.
16. Slow and Low, V3. ss-full traverse L to R
17. V2, ss-arete
18. Little Arete,V3, ss-up left or right.
19. Drug Money for the Bunny, V3
20. Organs in Orbit, V6. traverse L to R then up
21. Check Your Head, V5. easy high-ball
22. Swinging Doors, V6. dyno out left & up
23. V3, ss
24. V0
Glitz Rock
The first boulder you come to, and one of the most well-known. The cracks and nooks and crannies on this boulder get fairly dirty when it rains so it often needs a scrub. You’ll know the Joker from the massive amount of chalk!
2. Tally-Ho, V2. ss
3. Vendetta, V7. ss
4. Contempt, V6. ss
5. Variant finish, V5. ss
6. Cerebro, V11. ss
7. Dripping on Trips, V5
8. The Joker, V6. ss
9. Lipstick Lesbian, V10. ss
The Upper Ridge
Head up the hill and trend rightwards through ferns past a huge, bullet-shaped prow of rock (which has a few new problems on it and more to go). The path peters out here so you will be pretty much scrub-bashing.
2. V0
3. Nice guys finish last,V1, slab
4. O’Ren Ishi, V7, ss-traverse left then up
5. Cotten Mouth, V4, ss-over onto slab
6. Rumspringa,V6, ss-up arête
8. V2, ss
9. V2, ss
10. V1, ss-mantle
11. V2, ss
12. Blood Makes Noise, V7, start with hand jam between blocks then into crack, pull lip and up right
13. Scream, V8. start with hand jam between blocks then into crack, straight up and dyno!!
14. Fraud Landis. V7, ss then traverse left on slopers from Rumspringa
![Rumspringa: V6 sit-start but the stand ain't easy either!](/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Rumspringa-V6.jpg)
Rumspringa: V6 sit-start but the stand ain’t easy either!
This small area is up a way from the main area. Walk up past the heart block, diagonally up across the side of the hill through the ferns.
1. V2, ss
2. V2
3. V3, ss
4. V2, ss
5. V?
6. V0, ss
7. Its daddy you shit head, V5, ss
8. Dance for daddy, V3, mantle up
All Corin Road bouldering routes
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