Bungonia has some of the best climbing in the country, on steep superb-quality rock with amazing exposure; the two limestone walls of the main gorge soare up 300m. There are plenty of loose sections of wall up there too, with dusty soft rock and very poor gear to help clear the head.
Without a guide, this area is very hard as the routes are generally very serious and route-finding can be a challenge. There are some single-pitch climbs that go from the base which are good and easy to access, but nothing beats climbing the main wall. The walk in and out of this area down the efflux track, which is also big and steep.
This area is not in the ACT but much of its development was undertaken by Canberra-based climbers. Bungonia is about a 1hr 20min drive north of Canberra on the Hume Highway. Drive into Goulbourn and head over the highway, following signs to Bungonia State Park. There is a Park entry fee of about $8 per car.
Mike Law-Smith produced the climbing guide Strangeness and Charm (PDF 3.2KB) around 1991, which remains a great reference.

Mike Law-Smith at Bungonia Gorge
Climbing routes at Bungonia Gorge
Bungonia Gorge was not included in the ACT Granite 1997 guide. Below is the list of routes contributed from the community via thecrag.com: