• Booroomba Rocks club climbing day
  • Booroomba Rocks club climbing day
  • Booroomba Rocks club climbing day
  • Booroomba Rocks
  • Booroomba Rocks
  • Booroomba Rocks club climbing day
  • Sunstroke - Booroomba Rocks
  • Fiona abseiling at Booroomba Rocks
  • Booroomba Rocks
  • Booroomba Rocks club climbing day
  • Booroomba Rocks club climbing day
  • Introductory climbing day at Booroomba Rocks
  • Mt Coree club climbing day (December 2015)
  • Dihedral Corner - Blue Lake - CCA climbing weekend April 2017
  • Pete's Corner - Blue Lake - CCA climbing weekend
  • Turdus - Blue Lake - CCA climbing weekend April 2017
  • Blue Lake camping - CCA climbing weekend April 2017
  • Blue Lake camping - March 2016

CCA provides regular opportunities for local climbers to network, discuss local issues, organise trips, catch up on recent exploits, and find new climbing partners, as well as see and hear from a range of speakers about their climbing experiences in Australia and overseas.

Calendar of CCA events

General meetings

General meetings are held five times during the year (on the 3rd Wednesday of March, May, July, September and November) and involve a rundown of the CCA’s recent activities plus general climbing news and points of interest, followed by a guest speaker presentation.

CCA members and non-members are invited to come along and join the general discussion.

Meetings commence at 7:30pm. The meeting venue will be noted on the calendar item for the meeting.

CCA members, non-members, friends and significant others often also get together for a social chin-wag and some dinner before each General Meeting. The venue for this will be noted on the calendar item for each meeting.

Gym nights, social nights and special events

The CCA hosts a twice-monthly gym night at the Canberra Indoor Rock Climbing (CIRC) gym in Mitchell, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. This is an opportunity for CCA members to climb with fellow members on a regular basis, and practise moves that you might use on outdoor climbs.

Separate social nights, which are open to CCA members and their non-member friends and/or family, are occasionally held at an local pub to celebrate special occasions such as Christmas. The date and venue will be noted on the calendar item for the event.

Special events are organised to commemorate noteworthy occasions, such as anniversary celebrations.

Outdoor activities, including Club Climbing Days and Weekends

The CCA gets together for outdoor climbing activities several times per year at local climbing areas. This is a great way for people interested in climbing in its various forms to get together, socialise, climb, and find new people to climb with.

CCA outdoor activities are generally free of charge, although there may be some inherent costs associated with the activity (such as camping fees for overnight trips).

Activities are open to CCA members only. You cannot join the CCA on the day of the event, and you can only join via the CCA website. Please note that it takes about three weeks to receive your member’s card after you submit the membership application form and pay the membership fee ($20 for a year’s membership or $50 for 3 years).

We ask that participants in CCA outdoor activities practise environmentally sound approaches, as described in our recommended Code of Conduct and also in the following noteworthy texts:

  • How To Shit In The Woods, by (author)  Kathleen Meyer. 3rd ed. Random House USA Inc. Berkeley, United States. 2011.
  • How to Poo in the Woods: The Golden Rules of Relieving Yourself in the Wild, by (authors) Mats & Enzo. Prion. 2015.

Do you want to climb with me?

As well as announcing CCA notices and upcoming events, the CCA Facebook page occasionally provides information about CCA members’ climbing plans and an opportunity for members to invite others to join their trips.

Other (non-CCA) Facebook groups where the Canberra climbing community posts trip invitations and climbing partner requests or offers are: