To join the CCA or renew your CCA membership:

  1. Fill in your details on the online membership form below (don’t submit it yet!)
  2. Pay your membership fee in a separate browser window, via internet banking
  3. Submit the online membership form.

Please note that our membership secretary is a volunteer, and it may take him up to a month to post your membership card to you.

Online membership form

So we can send you a membership card.
Handy for logistics if you come to an event.
Handy for logistics if you come to an event.
Age bracket and gender information on our member base helps us in ensuring diversity and inclusion, and gives us valuable data to use in community grant applications.
If you are renewing your membership and have moved recently, please include your old address in the Notes below.
Note that it's cheaper to join for 3 years!
Your feedback helps us target our yearly program of events to our membership interests.
Emails are generally monthly or less often.
The CCA Contact List has the names and details of all members who want other members to be able to contact them to arrange climbing trips. It works as follows:

1. You email with "Message for CCA Contact List" as the Subject Line, and a message you want sent to everyone on the list: maybe like "Hi, anyone want to climb [sport/trad] with me at grades A-B at crag C in coming months? You can reach me at [email and/or phone]. Cheers, [your full name]".

2. Within a month (maybe faster, but no promises), the Membership Secretary will forward your message, bcc'd so no-one sees other people's addresses, to everyone on the list.

Note: Because of the delay in sending out messages, the Contact List cannot be used to find a climbing partner for the coming weekend! Whether and how anyone responds to you is up to them.

Anything you write here will be included on the CCA Contact List, ONLY IF you ticked the inclusion box above.

Activity waiver

By joining the Canberra Climbers’ Association, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the CCA Activity Waiver, and you agree to waive any claim for damages arising from participating in any CCA rock climbing activity, against the Canberra Climbers’ Association, the trip leader or other participants in tort or contract. In the event of your death this waiver will bind your estate.

Membership fees payment

BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM, please open a NEW WINDOW in your browser to pay your membership fee via internet banking, and then remember to RETURN HERE to submit this form!

Pay via direct deposit to the CCA bank account:

Bank: Bendigo Bank

BSB: 633-000

Account number: 203697297

Account name: Canberra Climbers' Association

Put the full name of the member joining (yourself, or whoever you're paying for) in the reference box on your bank’s online payment form. This will show up on the CCA bank statements and we can identify who has paid.

Then submit the online membership form: